Sunday, June 17, 2018

Our Own Miracle

About a month ago, I was looking for a small table-top organ (or one with legs) for Les to practice on. We didn't find any on first exploration and Les said he didn't really need one.

What I was originally looking for.

A couple of days ago, Les' friend who works at a nursing home, told him that the nursing home was about to trash a Baldwin organ, two tier with foot pedals. Anyone who could move it out of the nursing home could have it for free.

I immediately rearranged the living room to make room. Les tried to get someone who had a pick up truck and some muscle ( the thing weighs about 200 lbs by my gestimate). No one was available and the non-returned phone calls were plentiful.

We gave up the prospect of getting the organ and mourned the waste of a beautiful musical instrument. We took a trip to Columbus and shopped a bit and ate out for Les' Father's Day.

Suddenly, on Saturday around 5 pm. someone from the church called back and offered to help. 4 men and 2 youths showed up in a pick up truck and moved the organ into our house.

I wanted to get a lesser model and pay for it. Now we have this for free! God said "Wait" and here's what we have for our own personal miracle:

It didn't come with a bench, but one of our end tables serves perfectly.

Very grateful and happy,

Thanks for visiting with me.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Rain, Rain, Go Away...

We've had storms for several days (or nights) in a row. It cuts into my sleep when two dogs try to pile on me for protection when it thunders. Abby pants like a choo-choo train and she has really hot breath.

Today the storm came on in the evening. There's an advantage to this - rainbows.

It was a beautiful sight and kept growing more and more brilliant.

Thank you for visiting with me,


Tuesday, June 12, 2018

This is my current project. I am warming up to make a whole afghan before the middle of July. It may be something of a challenge as this craft takes longer than crocheting.

I chose this way of making a lap robe because crocheting this yarn made a fairly dark fabric. This way the colors are more spread out. I like it better.

Thank you for visiting with me.


Just a note about my garden:

It's a third of the way through June and my tomatoes are huge and beginning to set fruit.

The basil and green peppers are coming along too.

I just wish the chiggers and deer ticks weren't so fierce this year.

Thanks for visiting with me.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mother Update

Here is my brother's letter as of today:

Here we are, a week or so after Mom’s triumphant return home, and here is the latest update.

This amazing woman has come a long way in two short weeks.
First, she was 911’d to the hospital with those days of drama and tension.
Through today she has recovered so well, you would almost never know there was a medical event at all.
She used her walker for about the first hour home. She said it was too difficult to navigate it through the house, so switched to her cane.
That lasted almost a day before she started carrying it, or leaving it hang somewhere while working in that general area.
Finally, she put it away and started free-styling all around the house.
It did take the better part of a week before she attempted and conquered the stairs.

Mom is pretty much back to her old self. She climbs up and down the steps and we walk wherever she wishes.
Yesterday, was her first physical therapy session. They last about an hour. Mother loved it and did not take a nap afterward.
Her therapist is a great lady. She knows her stuff and drives Mother much harder than Mom would drive herself exercising at home.
We’ll be visiting her three times a week for the next month. Mom should be pretty well rebalanced by then and strong like bull. LoL

This morning, we went to the laundromat to wash clothes.
After returning home, we went to the bank and back, which is a good 4-block jaunt.
That completed, we took off to go shopping and walked through a few stores for better than two hours.

Physically, she is in very good shape. 

This event hit her brain in the classic stroke style: confusion, speech, and muscle control issues.
There are a few residual issues, but they are minor and infrequent.
On occasion, Mom will take a bit longer to form and enunciate a specific word.

Post first stroke her hands used to unconsciously shake a bit. That has minimized to almost vanished.
She walked kind of flat-footed and cautiously. Her therapist noticed and has her walking properly now.
Although slowly for now, she walks more easily and with confidence.

In the store this afternoon, she stopped to look at the magazine rack.
Mother looked up and thought she had lost me. After a moment or two, she thought to turn around and there I was.

I do not know how things will progress, but I purposely work to stimulate Mom's mind in positive ways.
I try to keep her on her toes and we have a lot of fun in the process.

All in all, Mom’s recovery is every bit a miracle. God has re-gifted her to us once again.
She definitely is a Weeble. She wobbles, but she won’t fall down. (Sorry, old toy commercial)

Nothing in life is certain. After all this happened again, of one thing, I am pretty sure.
When Jesus returns, Mom will be alive and well, and waiting to greet Him with open arms.

Thank you all again for the Blessing of your prayers.
May God give you a Holy hug and fill you with His Love, Comfort and Peace.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Happy Birthday

Back in the days of the Viet Nam War, I was in college. I remember the Kent State shootings. I remember how many colleges and universities had fires during the years of protest. How many sit-ins and riots made the news.

I hung out with Warren the musician/artist, Linda the singer, and Tony the drummer. None of us thought we would live beyond our thirtieth year.

Tony, happy 70th birthday. I hope you see this and relive a pleasant memory or two.

Back in the day:

Somewhat more recent:

Thanks for visiting with me,
