Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Buddy Has Gone to See Chelsea

Our last golden retriever, Buddy, has moved to dog heaven.  It was a very sudden departure. He played ball until about an hour before he went critical.

Good luck finding a vet who will help you out at 10 o'clock on a Sunday evening, but Dr. Rennecamp from St. Francis's Animal Hospital came to the house and let Buddy go to his rest in peace.

Abby is sad, but doing much better than we thought she would. Hopefully, she will make the adjustment to being an only dog.

What this means for me is probably healthier habits. When you have two dogs, they exercise each other. When you have one dog, you have to exercise with that dog. Abby and I have gone for walks each day since the old boy went. I'm already starting to lose some weight. Who knows, this might be a blessing for us both.

Thanks for visiting with me,



  1. Isn't just like the old boy to sacrifice himself that the two of us could be healthier. That's just the kind of dog he was.
