Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Too Much Winter

Winters in southern Indiana are usually moderate. Two years ago, we had thirteen snows. As recall, the schools didn't have a whole week of school for two months. Here, a couple of inches of snow will cancel school.

This year, it's been both snowy and very cold. The polar vortex managed to creep all the way down here. We lost a pipe and had to turn off the water for two days. I discovered that I am able to wash my hair with about a quart of water when necessary. Hopefully, I won't have to do that too often.

One of our Illinois friends slipped on the ice during the deep cold, hit his head, and was dead by the end of the day. It makes me angry that the ice only lasts a few days, but dead is forever.

Last Thursday, most of the snow was gone. I put on my comfy walking shoes (for which read "no tread") and set out for a walk with the dogs. The operative word in that last sentence is "almost". I skidded in a patch of slushy snow and was on the ground before I could think twice. I should have landed on my behind, but I twisted and ended up with my right hand bent under me. It was only sprained, but not having the full use of one's right hand is annoying to be kind about it. Les had to help me with my socks for a couple of days. I couldn't crochet at all for over a week and typing was slow using only my left hand. It was boring not being able to fill my time in my usual ways.

Anyway, I'm nearly back to full use of my right hand. It aches a little when I overuse it or poke at it. It's nice to be back.

This winter can be over anytime soon. I borrow a picture that has been going around on facebook:


Thanks for visiting with me,


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