Monday, December 12, 2016

December, 2016

To those whom I love,

I wish you all a blessed Christmas and a wonderful 2017.

My year seems to have been uneventful on the whole, but some events have left their mark.
In March, Mother (Lois) had a stroke that put her in the hospital for a few days and in rehabilitation for about four more weeks. Lori and I wanted to go up there right away, but John said that the roads were bad with all the snow they had and not to come yet. As it was, Mother doesn’t have any memory of that time and our trip would have accomplished very little.
In May, Lori determined to go north to see Mother and she swung by to pick me up. We had a whirlwind weekend before we had to return to work, but it was well worth it to see the northern half of the family.
I tried a couple of new gardening techniques. One worked extremely well, the other not so much. I plan to reduce the size of my garden this coming year as it proved take more time than I had to keep up with everything.
Instead of doing my own writing, I found that there were a few people who had a story to tell, but didn’t know how to accomplish the task. I’m not sure if I was ghost-writing or ghost-editing, but I enjoyed myself and see ripples spreading out from the work I did.
I managed to completely shock my Mother when I informed her that I was going on Medicare this June. She knows her own age, but has failed to drag my age along with her. She couldn’t believe that I was “that old already”.
At the library, I have been working with the same boss (Becky) for the last 11 years. This Friday, she will retire and I will have a new lady (Julie) to report to on Monday. Julie has been here training with Becky for a week now and I think we will have a smooth transition. She seems like the kind of person we will be able to peacefully and happily work for.
Les has various ministries and a job that he treats as a ministry, which is exactly what he loves to do. He has also done some writing. This year’s opus was entitled Confessions of a Job Gypsy. If you want a glimpse of the man I married, check out this book.
John almost always visits me around Oktoberfest which I look forward to every year and Angela always visits at Thanksgiving. This year Angela changed employers and took off the month of July between jobs. She came for an extra visit and I really enjoyed her time with us.
As final note, if you have my address in in your address book, please add PO Box 39 to send anything to us.
God bless you and may a good year be inscribed for you in the Book of Life.


Kathi (Eickstadt) Linz

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