Friday, January 20, 2017

Counting the Rains

It was a foggy August last year. I thought we would have plenty of snow by now. Instead, it has rained and rained and rained. I think, if I'm going to arrive at the same number of fogs, I will have to count all forms of precipitation rather than only snows. It would actually be nice to have some snow to reflect the light. It's been pretty dreary between the clouds and the bare land.

On the other hand, since it's been so warm, the trees are starting to bud out and Les is getting spring allergy symptoms.

While we are warm here, only 50 miles north of us and above are being buried under FEET of snow. Not only that, but people are freezing to death in Istanbul and Europe. As I understand it, the Gulf Stream that circulates warmer waters up to western Europe is disappearing, so the weather there is cooling off. drastically.

I'm wondering if this is because the nations have gathered against Israel and are trying to divide the land. Europe has welcomed in the people who would rejoice if Israel were no longer a nation at all. This goes back to God's blessing on Abraham "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you."

I filter my world view through a Biblical lens. It's amazing how well current events match up with what the Bible says would happen in the end times.

Thanks for visiting with me.


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