Sunday, August 25, 2019

After the Silent Year

What have I been doing this year that kept me from posting? I have no proper excuses. I could have been typing notices in  my spare time. I really could have.

But... Isn't there always a but?

This year I promised that I would be published again. I thought maybe I would work on sending out articles to magazines. It didn't happen.

However, I did send out a series of my children's picture book stories that a new publishing company is beginning to allow to see the light of day.

There will be six picture books in the Michael series. I have two print copies of Michael and the Not Me's in hand already. Here's the link if you want to look at it.

or if you prefer Amazon:

The Not Me's were inspired by my mother - sort of back-handedly.

Being the oldest child of four, there was always at least one child young enough to need nap time in the afternoon. Mother liked it if I laid down at the same time just so there would be peace in the house for an hour or so. I rested in my parent's bedroom so as not to disturb any of the others. I learned that there was a box of old photographs in the closet and I often picked through them looking at pictures of Mother and her sisters and brothers "when they were my age".

One picture had Mother, two sisters, one brother, and a couple of cousins sitting on concrete steps. It was labeled "The Not Mes. They're the ones who didn't do it." Eventually, I had to ask myself. "If they didn't do it, who did?" Hence the story.

This is the photo that started it all. I used this as the book's dedication.

The other photo that makes me laugh every time I look at it is the one with my mother and two of her sisters when they were very young. My mother is the one with the wiggly foot. She has NEVER been able to sit still for very long. Maybe that's why she still weighs around 110 lbs. even at 92 years of age.

I also have seen the illustrations for Michael and the Sock Snake. You know! The one who steals socks out of your dryer when you do the wash.

I'll let you know when that one comes out.

So my only New Year's resolution is fulfilled. How often can a person say that?

Thanks for visiting with me,


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