Thursday, September 5, 2013

Progress on My Projects

I finished the lilac striped afghan and have started on a plaid lap robe.

I've almost finished weaving the pattern across the lap robe. Next I have to weave up and down to form the plaid pattern.
I'll post more tomorrow or over the weekend.
Thanks for visiting with me,
Kathi Linz


  1. Your afghan work is even more beautiful than it was when you gave me that afghan as a gift so very long ago. It still remains folded on my couch, in perfect condition, and is used on a daily basis during the winter. Thank you for the birthday greeting! I would have thanked you by phone or email, but I have neither, so allow me to express my gratitude now. :)

  2. You are very welcome. For someone who was planning to be dead by thirty, you sounded pretty good on your phone message. lol I hope you are happy and doing well.

    1. Ah, well; "The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray." :lol

    2. Please let me know if anything newsworthy happens in your life. You've been my friend for longer than almost anyone else I can name. I'll post my events here.

    3. I see my brother one time a year, so the two holiday weeks from Dec. 21 - Jan. 4 were much looked forward to and even more enjoyed. He lives just north of Dallas, and the flight back on the 4th was cancelled due to the horrific weather here in Chicago. I am very disappointed that I missed out on the worst of the Polar Vortex. This is Tony, by the way. For some reason, it will only let me post this as "anonymous". :lol

    4. I, unfortunately, did not miss the polar vortex. We had to shut off our water for two days until we could get a pipe repaired. Here's hoping another like it is not in the works for next week. Our house is not properly insulated for that kind of cold.
      Glad you had a chance to visit with your brother. Check out my new puppy, Bear.

    5. Tony, here. If I remember correctly, you're husband is from the same Woodstock area as you. How did you guys end up in southern Indiana? I started teaching public school back in '91 and retired from teaching in '09. I am a computer technician at Lincoln 156 in Calumet City about 5 blocks from the Indiana border. That's the Readers Digest condensed version of my career. :lol

    6. Les is originally from Chicago - Homewood area. I was his daughter's third grade teacher. Her mother died when she was in fourth grade and I married into the family. I adopted Angela for my own. She's a CPA in Elgin. Les' job transferred us to southern Indiana and I like it here. The pace is slower and the people are wonderful. I'm working in Reference at the local library. My school in Woodstock closed after 26 or 27 years. Economy was too bad to support it.

    7. P.S. As bad as the winter has been here, it's much worse up by you. The main difference is that up in the northern reaches, you are prepared for it, and here we seldom get weather like this so no one is ready. Louisville ran out of salt and sand two storms ago and another 6-9 predicted for them tomorrow. Our schools haven't been open a whole week at a time since winter break. They're talking about Saturday school or having extra hours in a school day to catch up.

    8. Yes, the lower Midwest and southeast got weather this past winter that they've seldom if ever have seen before. Atlanta was actually colder than Siberia for several days, and they were paralyzed by two inches of snow. When I got out of work yesterday, I actually had to go back inside and zip up my coat and button the collar. The roaring wind made it a wind chill in the upper teens ...... IN APRIL!! It's getting steadily better, though.

    9. I'll have to take some pictures tomorrow or the next day and post them. We have actual real spring here. The trees are budding out, the dogwoods and forsythia are flowering and the grass is as green as Ireland. I'll be mowing the lawn by next week. Hang on, there's hope.

    10. Been a while! I wanted to wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas! I'll be going to Flower Mound, TX, to visit my brother from December 22nd to January 3rd. With the changed weather pattern, it should be a lot nicer there than it was last winter at this time. He has a beautiful telescope, and we should be able to get out at night and view planets and stars.

  3. Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your wife. I hope you have an excellent vacation. I'm a little jealous about the stargazing part. Love, Me
