Saturday, March 21, 2015

Broken arm - Warning - Photo included

I was starting to set up a keyhole garden. Went to the shed to get some stakes. Tripped and fell on my left arm. It is broken a little below the shoulder joint. I don't have a cast because the break is too high on the arm. I'm wearing a sling and my arm is strapped to my ribs.

It's been a week and it feels much better than it has any right to do. I feel very blessed as it could have been so much worse.

I can't do a whole lot unless it only requires one hand. Do you know how hard it is to wash one hand? The basics are difficult, but I am creative and Les is helping me a lot. He's already admitted that he would rather work his job any day than keep up with my chores.

I took a picture of my arm in the mirror. Don't look at this unless you are not squeamish.

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