Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Strange Discovery

When I was in New Hampshire, I drove through the end of a rainbow and discovered that the air turned a wonderful golden color. So there is gold at the end of a rainbow. It just isn't the kind you can spend.

If you are at the end of a rainstorm and the air turns a shade of gold, then you too are at the end of a rainbow.

Yesterday I made a new discovery on the same order.

You know how clothes smell after you hang them out to dry? They have that wonderful "fresh air" smell when you bring them back into the house.

Well, it takes a long time for clothes to dry on Christmas Eve, even if it's in the fifties and the sun is shining. Winter air just doesn't suck out the water like a summer's day.

I forgot about them until the sun had set. When I brought them into the house, I took a big whiff just to get that outdoor smell - and there was no scent!

Does that mean that the "fresh air" smell is really the scent of sunshine? Are we breathing in the scent of LIGHT?

It's something to think about.

Thanks for visiting with me,

Merry Christmas,

Kathi Linz

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