Monday, February 27, 2012

I Know Where the Sidewalk Ends

Last spring, a water main broke over by the high school.  It took the work crew all summer to fix it.  Since then they have spent the better part of a year tearing up several streets starting from the high school and heading - as near as I can tell - entirely across town.

I live 5 blocks away from where I work.  I live 5 blocks from the post office.  There have been times this season when I could not drive that far and other times when I had to walk several blocks out of the way to get where I was going.  The post office was almost totally blocked off for two weeks before Christmas.  That's nuts!!!

Here are photos - not of what it was like at the height of construction (destruction?)  - but what it's like partially useful.  Anyone want to drop off a letter?  This is today.

That's for the driving part.

And now, here's where the sidewalk ends.

The worst of this is the loss of a historic item.  There was one house that had a backwards set of steps next to the street.  They were for mounting a horse or getting into a carriage in a lady-like manner.  This is what's left of this steps.

I hope they finish and repair everything soon. It's like driving on the moon with all the craters and ridges.  The sad part is that those horse mounting steps will likely never be put back in place.  I'll miss seeing them.

Thanks for visiting with me.


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