Sunday, November 13, 2011

Less Stress

Right at the time I started my online class with lots more homework than I had expected, we also lost a coworker in my department.  So I have also been working extra hours.  I thought we would be short of help for only a week or so - especially in this ecopnomy where so many are looking for work.  Not so!  That was August.  This is November!  It's been a struggle to juggle everything and I've eventually found a few corners that had to be cut if I was going to keep up with the necessary things.

Finally!!  Finally we have a lady who has been hired to work in my department.  I like her and hope she stays with us for sometime to come.  Besides that, I have only three weeks left of my class.  This coming week, I turn in a paper on my visit to another library.  The week after is a major group project for which I am responsible for the main paper.  The last week involves a final exam. 

In the same space of time - like before Thanksgiving - I need to finish my Christmas shopping for my northern family.  Angela always visits over Thanksgiving and then carries my gifts back with her.  Usually, that makes a nice escape valve before Christmas.  My shopping is done and I have only to get my Christmas letter ready and out.  This year...maybe not so much.

We'll see how it all plays out.

Thanks for visiting with me.


P.S.  Ivy,  I'm thinking of making three more squares for Trinity's afghan.  When I made the strips, they stretched out to over five feet.  Once I sewed them together, they stabilized into a shorter blanket than I had intended.  Hopefully, you will be willing to sew them on to her afghan and make one big enough for her to grow into.

Love, Me

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