Friday, November 18, 2011

Ripple Shawl

Today I turned in three shawls and one lap robe.

This is the newest one and the only one I haven't posted yet.

I used a large hook and only one strand of yarn.  That made it more open and a little more lacy looking.

I spent four hours on homework today which is okay because the end is in sight.  I have a week's break and then only one project and a final exam.

Angela is coming on Wednesday.  And then Thanksgiving.  Woohoo!!

Thanks for visiting with me.


1 comment:

  1. I am trying to figure out stitches and rows on this blanket you made for Trinity. I will probably have to take it to church Sunday and ask one of my friends to help me count. Ha! I know nothing about this kind of stuff! Lol!
