Sunday, July 8, 2012

Liberal Thinking

I always iron my work shirts.  Some of them are T-shirts with a library caption or theme on the front.  I don't feel any particular need to iron my home shirts, but I do for my work ones.  When people are paying for my  time, they deserve my respect.

I have two very liberal coworkers.  I like both of them.  That being said, there are things on which we disagree.

On one occasion, the younger of the two observed out loud, "You always iron your shirts."

My brilliant response was, "So?"

To which she responded, "They always look so perfect."

Now whenever I iron, I think of that conversation.  As short as it was, it pointed out something clearly to me. Liberals would like everyone to be on the same level.  And it shouldn't especially be the best-you-can-be level.  When I iron my shirts, it makes someone else feel inferior - and God forbid that they should iron their shirts to come up to a better level.  How dare I make them feel bad by looking better than they do?

If no one is encouraged to achieve their best, to think high thoughts, to create, to invent, to "reach for the stars", God help this country because it is going to fall into mediocrity, disrepair, and disrepute.  And God help me if I don't think we've already arrived.

How many generations of children have come up in the liberal, feel-good, self-esteem school system without learning how to become what they are capable of becoming? 

Thank God for the parents who care enough to homeschool or are willing to pay for private school in order to bring up their children to find and use their gifts.

I grieve for those who are wasted, who never find and achieve their dreams. 

Thanks for visiting with me,


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