Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What Happens Next?

I want to give credit to my mother for teaching me at a young age to ask myself, "What happens next?"  It was her way of training me about consequences or, if you will, sowing and reaping. 

Her original lesson probably had something to do with the way I treated my baby brother. If I hit John, what happens next?  At first, the answer would have been that I would get in trouble.  But as John grew, the answer became "John will hit me back and then we'll both get in trouble".

Somehow that particular training attached itself to almost everything in my life.  For instance, if it's high summer, what happens next if I park my car facing south?  The seat and the steering wheel get very hot and I will be sorry when I have to drive with burning hands.  Solution: as often as possible in summer, park facing north or in shade.  In winter, I would want to park facing south in the sun so the wind won't blow right into the engine.  The car will be as warm as possible if the sun is shining and it will be easier to start the car. 

If store-boughten dog food isn't contributing to the health of my dogs, what happens next?  I can choose to keep feeding them convenient food and pay for vet bills and have them be less healthy and die younger, or I can improve the quality of their food and have healthier, happier dogs, fewer vet bills, and keep them with me longer.

Also since I learned to stop hitting my baby brother at a young age, we were able to become friends sooner.

Thanks, Mom, for the training.

Thanks for visiting with me.


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