Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Writer's Block - I mean, Blog

I went into LinkedIn and found a children's writer's group and a children's publisher's group.  Both groups have accepted me, so now I get daily updates from them.  When I introduced myself in the Children's Writer's group, one member asked me for a link to my blog or website so she could look at my books. 

I understand that nowadays writers have to self-promote.  Publishers don't do that for you anymore unless you are already well-known - and then, what's the point?  I haven't put out a book of any note since 2002.  No one at that time was blogging and few authors had websites. 

I am continually amazed at how fast things change.  I can't keep up with the devices people bring me in the library and ask, "How do I...?"  I don't know!  I've never seen one of those before!  Take it to a techie.  Better yet, hand it to a three-year-old.  They'll figure it out.  I'm terrified that I'll push the wrong button and it will self-destruct.

In my day, we got up off the couch to change the channel on the TV of which there were three or four channels.  The toaster was one of our more advanced pieces of technology.  Plastic was a recent invention having been developed in WW II.  Our shampoo bottles were still made of glass and were deadly if dropped in a shower.  Everything else has been developed since then.  And I'm not that old!  I can't even get SSI yet.

What does it say in Daniel, "In the last days, knowledge will increase and people will travel to and fro."  I didn't look it up exactly but that's close. 

Today the news said that Iran was much closer to nuclear weapons that previously thought.  That means the war with Israel is closer than previously thought, and Jesus has His foot on the threshold eagerly waiting for the word to bring us home. 

I can't wait.

Thanks for visiting with me.


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