Saturday, June 25, 2011

Perfect Day (Sort of)

Yesterday was the perfect day.  72 degrees, nice breeze, occasional sunshine.  I'd already mowed the lawn. It was my day off and I walked a lot to enjoy it all.

Today was sunny, just a bit warmer, almost as perfect - and I had to work.

The good part was that I went to the farmers' market before work and found out that there is no fee for setting up a booth.  You just have to be selling home-grown or homemade stuff.  I have plans...  Maybe by August or September when I'm not working on the fourth Saturday.  Thanks again for the inkle loom, brother.

Another good part was that I got to teach a workshop on loom knitting.  It's an easy and fun yarn craft.  Everyone learn how to do it pretty quickly and seemed to have a great time.  You know how when you show someone how to do something and then the room gets quiet while they are concentrating on the new project?  It was like that. 

After work, Les took me to DQ for a birthday shake.  No, it's not my birthday today, but we're in the neighborhood. 

Thanks for visiting with me.



  1. I love, love, love DQ ice cream. Trying to stay away from it though because I don't want to gain too much weight with this pregnancy. :(

  2. We don't go often. I think only twice this year so far. Please note the "so far". lol
