Sunday, July 17, 2011

Tasty to Dogs

Les visited with a friend this weekend and came away with a shofar - a short ram's-horn type.  When he brought it in the house and tried to blow it, the dogs went nuts!  Since Les hadn't so much as put his lips to the mouthpiece end yet, it couldn't have been because of the sound.

I figure that, since the dogs have had pig ears, cow hooves (Wow, do they smell bad!! We only bought them once!), and bones of various sorts to nosh on, that they thought it was a new kind of treat.  Les figured a good place to put it that would be out of dog reach,  and Buddy took the stairs two at a time trying to head him off.  Buddy REALLY wanted that horn.

The only other time our dogs have been as eager to "borrow" a gift from Les was when my mother gave Les a hat lined with rabbit fur, just like the one her father used to wear to conduct funerals in South Dakota.  We have to keep that one on a high shelf in a closed closet or it wouldn't be safe for a minute.

I swear we should have named Buddy "Isaac".  He makes us laugh so hard sometimes.

Thanks for visiting with me.


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